Data collection 2024
Last update in September 2024
Overview 2024
In 2024, we will collect demographic data (germination, establishment, growth, and reproduction) on refugium, core and edge populations in each garden. These data will allow us to estimate population growth rates for the different source populations across our experimental sites. At each garden, we will also collect phenotypic data, leaf samples for genotyping, and seeds for future experiments. The data collected in 2024 will allow us to address four main questions:
- 1. Which environmental factors and demographic rates limit the distribution of M. annua?
- 2. Are range limits niche limits and/or adaptation limits?
- 3. Do edge populations have lower demographic performance than core and refugium populations?
- 4. Are phenotypic traits related to demographic performance?
Germination and establishment will be regularly monitored from the time of set-up (Regular survey), while the other demographic rates and phenotypic data will be measured only once at the peak growing season (Intensive measurement). At one time point when plants start to flower, plant height is measured to estimate flowering size (Flowering size). Flowering size measurement probably happens in the 4th week after sowing. Summer Harvest and Disturbance probably happens at the beginning of summer before the summer drought. The workload corresponds to an estimated 20 working days in 2024. Based on the regular survey, we will need to decide on the exact dates individually for each garden. Our current guesses for the likely best harvest time for the plots are as follows:
- Lausanne: mid July (done)
- Prague: mid-July till early August
- Kassel, Waageningen and Oxford: mid - end of August
- Edinburgh, Bergen, Uppsala, Helsinki: early to mid-September
- Bordeaux: resow in October or November
- Israel: sow in October or November
Note that we may need to make small changes to the beta version of the documents based on the feedback from our partners in the southern gardens. So, it would be a good idea to download the document right before your measurement.
Datasheet and data entry
The field-collected data is stored on Google Drive. There are 11 folders, each for a site. In each folder, you can find the Excel template for the Regular survey, flowering size and intensive measurement. You can print and use them in the field and enter the data you collect afterwards. In each folder, there are also subfolders where you can upload photos and datasheet scans. You or your helpers need to ask for first-time access to the folders.